Research & Publication
List of Publications
Narulita, E., Oktarina, A. N., Opulencia, R. B., Widianto, A. H., Febrianti, R. A., & Addy, H.S. CRISPR-Cas single-guide RNA construction for tail fiber gene Gp0047 of Salmonella phage SSE-121. Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 9(3), 25–37.
Prastowo, S., Wardhani, W. K., Pradana, A. P., Wafa, A., Addy, H. S., & Hadi, Z. F. N. The Metarhizium anisopliae Metsch. (Moniliales: Moniliaceae) and Aglaia odorata Lour. (Sapindales: Maliaceae) leaf extract: A potent biopesticide cocktail for cabbage leaf pests. Journal of Tropical Plants Pests and Diseases, 24(2), 216–226.
Pratama, A. W., Addy, H. S., Widiastuti, N., Widyanto, A. R., Ratnasari, A., & Indarti, D. Cellulose nanofibrils from corncobs and their nanocomposite with alginate: Study of swelling behavior. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 14(1), 4.
Addy, H. S., Habibullah, N., Hardiyani, W. A., & Wafa, A. The effect of Tapak Liman (Elephantopus scaber L.) extract on Xa4 gene expression in rice IR64 infected by bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas oryzae). International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 11(1), 15–22.
WA Hardiyani, A Wafa, WID Fanata, HS Addy. Design and construction of single guide RNA for CRISPR/Cas9 system based on the xa13 resistance gene in some varieties of rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases 23 (1), 47-55
S Sundahri, T Mursyidto, TC Setiawati, HS Addy, A Wafa. Inducing The Viability of Deteriorated Jatropha Seeds Through Matriconditioning Technology and Pseudomonas Fluorescens as Biological Agent. Devotion Journal of Community Service 4 (6), 1352-1373
Muhibuddin, A., Zulfikar, Z., & Addy, H. S. A review on Simplicillium lanosoniveum, prospects as biological control agents in Indonesia. Jurnal Agronomi Tanaman Tropika (JUATIKA), 5(1), 263–280.
S Prastowo, Soeharto, HS Addy, T Handoyo. Virulence of Metarhizium isolated from infected Oryctes rhinoceros L. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) larvae around coconut plantations in East Java, Indonesia. Egypt J Biol Pest Control 32 (2022), 146
A Wafa, HS Addy, N Widodo, S Prastowo. The Community Response of Small Scale Bio fertilizer Production. Integrative Community Service and Agriculture 1 (1), 28-34
AA Ahmad, HS Addy, Q Huang. RsoM2USA, a jumbo bacteriophage isolated from the United States that infects Ralstonia solanacearum species complex strains. Phytopathology 112 (11), 119-119
NE Nadhira, A Wafa, WID Fanata, HS Addy. Resistance gene expression in selected Indonesian pigmented rice varieties against infection by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 27 (2), 51-57
DC Widianingrum, H Khasanah, HS Addy. Presence of antibiotic-resistant in staphylococcal subclinical mastitis in several regencies of East Java, Indonesia. Tropical Animal Science Journal 45 (1), 91-97
C Trwidiarto, R Firgiyanto, HS Addy, A Wafa. The growth inducing endophyte: optimizing the non-host endophyte as growth promoter. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 980 (1), 012011
AA Ahmad, HS Addy, Q Huang. Biological and Molecular Characterization of a Jumbo Bacteriophage Infecting Plant Pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum Species Complex Strains. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 741600
A Wafa, A Mohamed-Saad, HS Addy, T Kawasaki. Isolation protocol of jumbo phage from winter grass soil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 759 (1), 012071
NE Nadhira, ID Wahyuni, HS Addy. The potency of plant resistance inducers (PRIs) against bacterial wilt disease on tobacco caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 759 (1), 012067
MK Amrulloh, HS Addy, WS Wahyuni. Karakterisasi fisiologis dan biokimia penyebab penyakit bakteri pembuluh kayu pada tanaman cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum L.) di PT Tirta Harapan. Jurnal Proteksi Tanaman Tropis 2 (1), 1-7
D Rejeki, HS Addy, E Narulita. Partial Characterization of Bacteriophages from Indonesia and its Potency as Biocontrol of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 25, 75‒80
WN Hidayati, R Apriasti, HS Addy, B Sugiharto. Distinguishing resistances of transgenic sugarcane generated from RNA interference and pathogen‐derived resistance approaches to combating sugarcane mosaic virus. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 26 (2), 107-114
Masnilah, R., WS Wahyuni, A Majid, HS Addy, A Wafa. Insidensi dan keparahan penyakit penting tanaman padi di Kabupaten Jember. Agritrop: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Science) 18, (1-12)